S2IBIS v2.1 update

From: <mbs@eos.ncsu.edu>
Date: Thu Aug 10 1995 - 13:32:31 PDT

S2IBIS v2.1 is coming along. As projected two weeks ago we (NC State
University) expect to make a beta release in two weeks. That will be August 24.
Virtually all v2.1 features that can be supported by S2IBIS will be included
in the release. A big feature is that a yacc/lex input parser is used. Thus
future upgrades should be relatively painless. We were able to reuse the
analysis routines from S2IBIS v1.1

We do not use the current Golden Parser header files as they had changed
fairly radically from the initial release of the header files. Too much
time would have been required to modify the S2IBIS code. Thus
we will not be able to distribute routines to write a *.ibs from the
Golden Parser data structures. After the S2IBISv2.1 beta has been released
and verified we can modify the S2IBIS code apropriately and support
data structure-to-*.ibs conversion.

Thanks for your patience.

S2IBIS development team

Alan Glaser
Steve Lipa
Michael Steer
Paul Franzon

North Carolina State University
Electronics Research Laboratory
Received on Thu Aug 10 13:39:12 1995

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