From: Bob Ross <bob@icx.com>
Date: Mon Oct 17 1994 - 15:51:24 PDT

Will and IBIS Committee:

I support your desire to have the IBIS SUMMIT face-to-face meeting in
December. Based on discussions to date, the IBIS Version 2.1 document
will have only a few changes and text corrections. Based on some
initial testing on some large IBIS Version 2.0 model files, the ibischk2
parser seems to function very well. It does have a few easily correctable
problems, and I feel that it should be in good shape by December with
the inclusion of some missing functionality.

Besides maintaining momentum, one advantage of a December meeting is that
possible EIA standard balloting activity can probably be funded through
the DIE ARPA funding. Because of this possible direction, I would
like to see the SUMMIT meeting in the early part of December so that
the administrative preparations can occur in a careful and timely manner.

Bob Ross
Interconnectix, Inc.
Received on Mon Oct 17 16:34:10 1994

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